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Autism Behavior

Mother and Child's Hands Holding a Heart Made of Puzzle Pieces

Learning About Autism Awareness Month and Its History

C: Autism BehaviorA: Danny Gavin

You may have seen it online, or heard about it around your community- April is Autism Awareness Month. This month…

Autistic Girl Getting an EEG in a Hospital

Understanding the Relationship Between Autism and Seizures

C: Autism BehaviorA: Danny Gavin

Have you ever wondered why some children with autism seem to experience seizures? It's a question that has puzzled parents…

Little Girl With Glowing Outline of Brain Over Her Head

Reviewing the Effects of Autism on The Brain

C: Autism BehaviorA: Danny Gavin

Have you ever wondered how autism affects the brain? Does the brain of a neuro-typical individual, and the brain of…

Mother And Autistic Child Playing With Blocks

Understanding the Four Functions of Behavior in ABA Therapy

C: Autism BehaviorA: Danny Gavin

Hey parents! Ever wonder why your child does what they do? Understanding your child's behavior can sometimes feel like solving…